District Services

The District provides various services including water quality testing, flow testing, and historic data research.

District Services:

The District offers various services to its constituents. Water quality testing services are frequently requested and may lead to discussions on health, wellhead protection, and other points of interest to the community. Educational presentations are also popular, especially for civic organizations in need of a program. Past subjects presented include local water level changes, managed aquifer recharge, and quality of local groundwater.

Rolling Plains GCD also serves as a repository for both modern and historical water well records. Along with those records, there are often cultural gems regarding who was farming or what was being grown on certain tracts through history and can make for interesting research.

Our most requested service is related to water levels. What are they doing? We gather and analyze a growing number of water levels each year. This work is critical to understanding the resource we manage. People often ask, what is the aquifer doing? Honestly, the answer is, it’s complicated. On any given day, water levels in the various aquifers we manage are either rising or falling due to pumping, rainfall, and other less significant factors such as moon phase. Yes, the moon changes the water level underground just like it does in the ocean!

Rainfall related services we provide fall into two categories, monitoring and enhancement. Weather monitoring networks include providing public access to local, high quality weather stations. These stations are installed and maintained through cooperative agreements with various groups such as the West Texas Mesonet and the Texas Water Development Board. Precipitation enhancement is performed in cooperation with the Rolling Plains Water Improvement Program of the West Texas Weather modification Association.

Services and Resources

District Overview

The District was created in 1993 by the 73rd Texas Legislature HB2862) with the local confirmation election occurring in 1999. 

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Online Payments


The Directors are appointed by the Commissioner’s Court of each of the three counties and serve staggered four-year terms.

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Water quality testing services are frequently requested and may lead to discussions on health, wellhead protection, and other interests.

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District Rules

The District’s Rules are designed to spell out how we will take certain actions to limit waste, curtail production, or require certain other actions.

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